Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Coolest Kid’s Costumes 2012

Frida Kahlo

Vincent Van Gogh

Andy Warhol


OWS person


Boss Hog

Person with their head in a jar

Clock Work Orange Droogs

Johnny Cash

Generic Super Heroes

A  very surprised chicken killed by a vampire slayer?

Creepy Mr. T

Lolita meets Oscar the Grouch

Homeless man

Pole Dancer

Bethany Hamilton & Shark

A Centaur & cross dressing Thoth?


Colonel Sanders

Hannibal Lecter

Ron Jeremy?

Monday, October 15, 2012

NYC from Android Pt 2

I am back...

This new set up is not conducive to thoughts lasting longer than 30 seconds.  People always think it is quieter here and sympathetically ask me if I get bored or lonely. Well I do get bored, but I am never lonely. There seems to be a nonstop stream of passersby that want to chat and the phone only stops ringing long enough for me to get nothing done. I also feel more exposed, front and center. My desk is much smaller and poorly laid out, it's claustrophobic in fact, and my left side is always sore, because the way I have to lean over to answer the phone. Plus there is a constant battle for dominance between Ursula & me. In our old space I let her have it, I didn’t care, there was enough room for both of us. Not here, here there is hardly enough room for one of us. So every day we rearrange the desk and she whines and I care less…
This is the reason my blog has been suffering. 
 I am back today to complain (done) and then to mention a really interesting but disheartening documentary I watched yesterday The Trials Of Henry Kissinger
The highlights:
·         Kissinger intentionally extended the Vietnam war in 1968 in order to defeat Herbert Humphrey and bring Richard Nixon to power, thereby, causing the war to last four more years
·         He aided the Pakistani government attempts at genocide in Indonesia
·         He tried to depose a democratically elected leader in Chile, assassinated those who tried to stop him
·         He contributed substantially to the killing fields of Cambodia

It is sad that behavior like that is the norm, a necessary evil.
Richard Nixon is thought of as the devil because of Watergate, but what he did with Kissinger in Vietnam is so much worse and no one talks about it.
I just wish there were some good guys, but I guess they wouldn’t be in power for long. And I would rather live in America then Cambodia, Indonesia, or Pakistan…still at the end of the day it all seems so wrong, dirty…and hopeless.

Happy Monday!