Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Joseph Stalin Dictator, Murderer...Poet?

Many thoughts come to mind when one hears the name Stalin. He personified the evils of communism and was responsible for the the death of up to 60 million people, during his reign of terror.  

Stalin, however, had a softer side, in his youth, he was an avid reader of Goethe, Shakespeare and even Walt Whitman -- he fancied himself something of a poet. Recently some of his poetry was unearthed and is now on display at the Library of Congress. Below is an excerpt from one of the poems in the collection of over 60 works being shown until April 29th.
"Roses are red
Russia is red
When I am leader many will be dead
Roses are Red
My heart is black
When I am ruler better watch your back..."

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